Scoring Concept: Content vs. Achievement

So…what a great show last night huh? From some of the questions flying around afterwards, i thought it might be a good idea to shed light on scoring.

One of the ”fairest” things about DCI scoring is the notion of “Content vs. Achievement” in a caption.

The easiest way i could understand this concept was Olympic diving. if you’ve ever watched it you know dives are scored by the execution of the dive itself combined with the “degree of difficulty”.

Same with DCI… I’ll use last night’s Percussion judge scores as an example.

You’ll see two columns in the scoring caption. One for “Cont” and one for “Achv”. The first is for “Content”. This is DCI’s ”degree of difficulty” factor applied by the judge as a determination of how difficult the task at hand is. the second is “Achievement” which is an evaluation by the judge of “How well did they do what they’re TRYING to do”.

It’s a little more involved than that but not much!

So the good news is if your show is demanding AND you execute it well you maximize score. Ours is demanding. which leaves plenty of ”headroom” for scoring. Come August this will make a LOT more sense!

Hope this was helpful!

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