Dusting Off The Blog For One More Season!

Hello Cavaliers Parents…

Those that know me know I’ve kept a personal blog while volunteering with the Cavaliers over the last few years.  This year I’m going to blog the season, not just my volunteering time.

Laurie and I won’t be joining the tour until Allentown this year at the end of July and then will volunteer into Prelims at Indy, check into a hotel, and be in disbelief that Davis’ time on the field with the Cavaliers will come to a swan song.

So until we’re on the road with the Corps, the blog will have a different perspective this season. I’ll be blogging thoughts from the FloMarching broadcasts, etc. until Allentown.

Then the blog will return to the “a day in the life of the corps on the road “ perspective.

Looking forward to 2020!












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