Leaving NashVegas

Well, the show was awesome! Sold out half house at Vanderbilt University… it has to be amazing for our young men to hit the gate and see this:

IMG_2117It was Standing Room Only. I was standing in the only un-numbered seat on the top row.

Good to see the energy back up in our young men. I’m biased in that I don’t think 88.55 reflects the gap over Hattiesburg. But what is notable is that our score hasn’t hiccuped backwards all season.

What a humbling experience this has been. The work ethic of the members , staff, management, and volunteers is unrivaled.

I’m going to post a side post of me trying to explain Drum Corps to a basketball coach in the stadium last night separately. He was genuine in every single question, but I realized early on that putting our activity in a sports vernacular was my best hope at communication. 😀

So …time for me to wrap my tour coverage. Thanks for your kind comments and saying hello out on the road!

“And now … my tour end’s near, And so I face… my final blogpost”

Until Finals week that is!😀IMG_2120


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