Cavaliers Volunteer Profile – Debbie Gowriluk

Continuing on with the featuring of Cavaliers Volunteers…I did have the pleasure of meeting Debbie Gowriluk on my San Antonio to Atlanta volunteering stretch this year. We had the honor of walking/rolling one of the pieces of the “cage props” from the truck lot to the far side of the stadium in Little Rock. She, as a seasoned band mom and volunteer with the Broken Arrow High School Band, took the “smart end” of that operation, and I took the front end and let the prop roll into the back of my leg two or three times (I’m not always the quickest of learners).

Debbie worked in the cook truck, which again is one of the most challenging jobs on tour. And always had the attitude outside of the cook truck of “What can I do to help?”

So let’s start the Q &A”

RWTC: What section does your son march in?

Debbie: “Connor is a 5th year, age-out, Mellophone as well as one of the Horn Sergeants.”

RWTC: When did you first start volunteering with the Cavaliers?

Debbie: “My first time was his first year in 2014; I did a two-day stint in Overland Park, Kansas, while my husband was on a work assignment there. Then nothing again really until last year, where I did 8 days on pre-tour and again when they came to Broken Arrow.”

RWTC: What do you enjoy the most about being on the road with the Corps?

Debbie: “Just being around the boys, hearing music from them randomly while working. My heart swells when I hear those horns, so being around that sound all day is heaven.”

RWTC: If you could say one thing to anyone considering volunteering on tour, what would it be?

Debbie: “Stop considering and just do it! The time spent around your son, even if it’s just a few minutes each day while they are on break, is worth the lifetime of memories. Now I go to shows all over, and there is always someone I know or recognize (“family and friends” at every show!). Never think for a moment that you don’t have anything to offer in terms of volunteering because any help is greatly needed and you will be used somewhere. While the corps was in Broken Arrow this year, I brought along two of the marching band parents from our high school to help; they are already talking about helping out again next year because they loved it so much!”

RWTC: Will you be in Indy?

Debbie: “YES! I’ve been to each championship week, and there’s nowhere else you would find me, especially with it being Connor’s age-out year.”



RWTC: If you had to pick a favorite corp BESIDES the Cavaliers, who would it be?

Debbie: “That’s a tough one! There are so many to love! Can I choose a show instead? Madison Scouts 2015 “78th & Madison” because it was based on my all-time favorite movie “Singing in the Rain”.”

RWTC: Do you have any funny “tour stories” from the road?

Debbie:” In Arkansas this season on laundry day, the laundromat attendant was so excited to have us there. She was posting about it all over Facebook and some social media site the town uses, taking pictures constantly of the uniforms as they were in various stages of cleaning. She had friends coming into the laundromat just to check out what we were doing! That evening at rehearsal, there were many townspeople there watching, I’m certain because she put the word out. ”

RWTC: Do you think you’ll still volunteer even after your son ages out?

Debbie: “When they are in my town, for sure I will. Out-of-town, I will do my best to put some time in. I have 5 years as a Cavalier parent; I can’t imagine not being involved in some way.”

Thank you Debbie for your time and dedication…and for supporting Connor on his 5-year run with the Cavaliers! We know this will be a special trip to Indy for you next week!

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