Day 4 – On to Nashville! -part 1

Well , the corps woke up in their normal business-like way and got to work. I missed them altogether at breakfast because I was out on my morning walk.

Right as I was finishing that up, I helped out one of our own (parents) by running down her son who has been a little under the weather, snapping a quick pic of him and then relaying the message he was just fine.

With walk over, and after showering off a day of jungle rot, three of us drivers visited a local laundromat. I’ve never been so glad to wash my clothes in my life!

While out, I picked up a knee brace in hopes that the drive to Nashville won’t be as tough on my knee as the trip here was. Bouncing in the seat of that truck combined with holding the accelerator all the way to the floor for hours just to keep up with the buses and semis will take its toll on the right knee and hip.

Just got back, took four Advil, and shutting down for a few hours to sleep this afternoon before driving  from 9:30 tonight to around 4:30  tomorrow morning.

Planning to go to evening full Corps runs at 6:30, then load and leave.

One last thing about last night. The corps faced their first real adversity last night with a high heat index in rehearsal all day and holes in the show last night. They would be the first to tell you they know it wasn’t their best run. But they fought through it with persistence. I think that bodes well for the rest of the season!

Time for zzzzzzzzz!

One thought on “Day 4 – On to Nashville! -part 1”

  1. I have felt your pain. I have drove box trucks for the corp many times. This year I am driving the van Aug 1st thru Indy.


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