Cavalier Volunteer Profile- Beth Kaiser

I had the pleasure of sharing volunteer time with Beth Kaiser between San Antonio and Atlanta last week. Beth is one of the team that keeps our young men in uniform in good looking, never in disrepair, great smelling uniforms! Watching her handle last minute wardrobe “malfunctions” like broken zippers, etc. showed her to be the epitome of a volunteer that can work under time pressure!

As promised last week prior to leaving, I wanted to use this blog to highlight the “people behind the names” that we constantly see serving the Cavaliers.

So…a little Q & A

RWTC: What section does your son march in?

Beth: “Trumpet. And what year is this for him? It’s his 3rd of possibly 6! ”

RWTC: When did you first start volunteering with the Cavaliers?

Beth: “2016…Brendan’s first year”.

RWTC: What do you enjoy most about being on the road with the Corps?

Beth: ” I love being able to fix the uniform problems, and see their faces light up when they get it back fixed, good as new!”

RWTC: If there was one thing you would tell someone who is considering being a volunteer, what would it be?

Beth: “JUST.DO.IT. You’ll never find anything as rewarding,exhausting, fulfilling or wonderful as seeing the behind the scenes workings of the “machine”. To be a part of that is amazing.”

RWTC: Will you be in Indy this year?

Beth: “Yes! Working on those uniforms!”

RWTC: Who is your favorite corps BESIDES the Cavaliers?

Beth: “Is there another Corps? 🙂  If I had to pick, I’ll pick a show instead. I loved 2015 Bluecoats.

RWTC: Any funny “road” stories from your volunteer service?

Beth: ” Well, I broke my toes while on tour this week by kicking my suitcase wheel….”

RWTC: Do you think you’d volunteer even after your son ages out?

Beth: ” I hope I’m still able to volunteer. The young men in the corps are one of a kind. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them. As today is my last day of tour, I sincerely hope that even with the bumpy bus rides, the lack of sleep, the lake fun, Uber Eats with my son, that have made a mark on 1 person’s life. I hope that someone else is inspired to step up to the plate. When I came here in 2016, I didn’t even know how to sew on a button. Now, I can fully alter a uniform, and even fix holes in a guard glove. Don’t let anything stop you from helping out!”

Many thanks to Beth Kaiser and ALL the volunteers that keep the Cavaliers a well-oiled machine! See you in Indy, Beth!

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